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“Life can be extraordinarily different when viewed through the lens of gratitude”


Julia Anais chronicles her inspiring journey from being a shy girl to someone focused on spiritual enrichment in this memoir.
As a young person, she always felt as though she could foresee things, but afraid of being ridiculed, she chose to ignore the knowing.

However, her intuition still guided her.
As she grew older, she began to meditate, which showed her how to be still. The rest took flight like magic, her consciousness and daily wisdom grew.
In sharing what shes learned on her journey, she reveals important truths, such as:

We are in this life to have adventures and experiences, and it is our job to show up, trust and enjoy all that life can offer.

There's something in the Universe controlling our way, a greater force dragging us along.
Within we hold the power to transform ourselves.
The collection of defining moments the author shares will help you realise that as long as you trust yourself, what is meant to be will be.

Embark on a spirited journey of discovery to find the

Extraordinary in the Ordinary




 I found this book to be very friendly and communicated with simplicity. 

Your content reveals a very human journey easy to relate to, empathise with and embrace

M Harris, Vic

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Extraordinarily Ordinary: Eyes Wide Open to Wonder


Available from or Barnes&

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